Map region names to a common set.
- data
Preprocessed data
- Bmat
Matrix of changes. Each row corresponds to a region name possibly in the data files, and each column corresponds to a region after mapping. The values in the matrix are binary. The row names and column names need to be specified to the region names.
- regionVar
String indicating the region variable. Defaults to 'region'.
# Construct a small test data
testdata <- data.frame(region = c("north", "south", "east",
"south", "east"), index = c(1:5))
# Construct a changing rule: combining south and east
Bmat <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), 3, 2)
colnames(Bmat) <- c("north", "south and east")
rownames(Bmat) <- c("north", "south", "east")
#> north south and east
#> north 1 0
#> south 0 1
#> east 0 1
# New data after transformation
test <- changeRegion(testdata, Bmat, "region")
#> 2 names changed, in total 4 rows in data changed
#> region index
#> 1 north 1
#> 2 south and east 2
#> 3 south and east 3
#> 4 south and east 4
#> 5 south and east 5