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Aggregate person-month data into counts and totals by groups.


getCounts(data, variables, by, ignore = NULL, addtotal = TRUE, drop = TRUE)



dataset in person-month format


a character vector of the variables to aggregate


a character vector of columns that specifies which groups to aggregate by.


list of conditions not to impute 0. If left unspecified, any group levels not in the data will be imputed to have 0 counts.


logical indicator of whether to add a column of group total counts.


logical indicator of whether to drop all rows with total = 0.


data.frame of the ggregated counts.


Zehang Richard Li


# a toy dataset with 4 time periods but one missing in data
timelist <- factor(1:4)
data = data.frame(died = c(0,0,0,1,1,0,0), 
          area = c(rep(c("A", "B"), 3), "A"), 
          time = timelist[c(1,1,2,3,3,3,3)])
#>   died area time
#> 1    0    A    1
#> 2    0    B    1
#> 3    0    A    2
#> 4    1    B    3
#> 5    1    A    3
#> 6    0    B    3
#> 7    0    A    3
# without ignore argument, all levels will be imputed
getCounts(data, variables = "died", by = c("area", "time"))
#>   area time died total
#> 1    A    1    0     1
#> 2    B    1    0     1
#> 3    A    2    0     1
#> 4    A    3    1     2
#> 5    B    3    1     2

# ignoring time = 4, the ignored level will not be imputed (but still in the output)
getCounts(data, variables = "died", by = c("area", "time"), 
      ignore = list("time"=c(4)) )
#>   area time died total
#> 1    A    1    0     1
#> 2    B    1    0     1
#> 3    A    2    0     1
#> 4    A    3    1     2
#> 5    B    3    1     2