A 2 column matrix of easting/northing coordinates in km if inverse == FALSE. Otherwise, a 2 column matrix of longitude/latitude coordinates.
Projection specifically chosen for Kenya. Project from lat/lon to northing/easting in kilometers. Uses epsg=21097 with km units. May not work on all systems due to differences in the behavior between different PROJ and GDAL versions.
eastLim = c(-110.6405, 832.4544)
northLim = c(-555.1739, 608.7130)
coordMatrixEN = cbind(eastLim, northLim)
coordMatrixLL = projKenya(coordMatrixEN, inverse=TRUE)
#> lon lat
#> [1,] 33.50075 -5.002281
#> [2,] 42.00093 5.496810
# if the coordMatrixLL isn't the following, projKenya may not support
# your installation of GDAL and/or PROJ:
# east north
# [1,] 33.5 -5.0
# [2,] 42.0 5.5
projKenya(coordMatrixLL, inverse=FALSE)
#> east north
#> [1,] -110.6405 -555.1739
#> [2,] 832.4544 608.7130
# regardless of your PROJ/GDAL installations, the result of the
# above line of could should be:
# lon lat
# [1,] -110.6405 -555.1739
# [2,] 832.4544 608.7130