Given a spatial risk model, simulate populations and population prevalences at the enumeration area level (represented as points), and aggregate to the pixel and administrative areal level.
nsim = 1,
marg.var = 0.243,
sigma.epsilon = sqrt(0.463),
gamma = 0.009,
eff.range = 406.51,
beta0 = -3.922,
seed = NULL,
inla.seed = -1L,
n.HH.sampled = 25, = TRUE,
subarea.level = TRUE,
do.fine.scale.risk = FALSE,
do.smooth.risk = FALSE,
do.smooth.risk.logistic.approx = FALSE,
min1.per.subarea = TRUE
target.pop.mat, = TRUE,
validation.pixel.I = NULL,
validation.cluster.I = NULL,
clusters.per.pixel = NULL,
do.fine.scale.risk = FALSE,
do.smooth.risk = FALSE,
do.smooth.risk.logistic.approx = FALSE,
poppsub = NULL,
subarea.level = FALSE,
min1.per.subarea = TRUE, = FALSE,
epsc = NULL
- nsim
Number of simulations
- easpa
data.frame of enumeration area, households, and target population per area stratified by urban/rural with variables:
- area
name of area
- EAUrb
number of urban enumeration areas in the area
- EARur
number of rural enumeration areas in the area
- EATotal
total number of enumeration areas in the area
- HHUrb
number of urban households in the area
- HHRur
number of rural households in the area
- HHTotal
total number of households in the area
- popUrb
total urban (target) population of area
- popRur
total rural (target) population of area
- popTotal
total (general) population of area
- pop.mat
Pixellated grid data frame with variables
(if subarea.level is TRUE),urban
(if is TRUE),east
, andnorth
- target.pop.mat
Same as pop.mat, but
variable gives target rather than general population- poppsub
data.frame of population per subarea separated by urban/rural using for population density grid normalization or urbanicity classification. Often based on extra fine scale population density grid. Has variables:
- spde.mesh
Triangular mesh for the SPDE
- marg.var
Marginal variance of the spatial process, excluding cluster effects. If 0, no spatial component is included
- sigma.epsilon
Standard deviation on the logit scale for iid Gaussian EA level random effects in the risk model
- gamma
Effect of urban on logit scale for logit model for risk
- eff.range
Effective spatial range for the SPDE model
- beta0
Intercept of logit model for risk
- seed
Random number generator seed
- inla.seed
Seed input to inla.qsample. 0L sets seed intelligently, > 0 sets a specific seed, < 0 keeps existing RNG
- n.HH.sampled
Number of households sampled per enumeration area. Default is 25 to match DHS surveys
Whether or not to stratify simulations by urban/rural classification
- subarea.level
Whether or not to aggregate the population by subarea
- do.fine.scale.risk
Whether or not to calculate the fine scale risk at each aggregation level in addition to the prevalence
- do.smooth.risk
Whether or not to calculate the smooth risk at each aggregation level in addition to the prevalence
- do.smooth.risk.logistic.approx
Whether to use logistic approximation when calculating smooth risk. See
for details.- min1.per.subarea
If TRUE, ensures there is at least 1 EA per subarea. If subareas are particularly unlikely to have enumeration areas since they have a very low proportion of the population in an area, then setting this to TRUE may be computationally intensive.
- logit.risk.draws
nIntegrationPoints x nsim dimension matrix of draws from the pixel leve risk field on logit scale, leaving out potential nugget/cluster/EA level effects.
- sigma.epsilon.draws
nsim length vector of draws of cluster effect logit scale SD (joint draws with logit.risk.draws)
- validation.pixel.I
CURRENTLY FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY a set of indices of pixels for which we want to simulate populations (used for pixel level validation)
- validation.cluster.I
CURRENTLY FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY a set of indices of cluster for which we want to simulate populations (used for cluster level validation)
- clusters.per.pixel
CURRENTLY FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY Used for pixel level validation. Fixes the number of EAs per pixel.
If TRUE, returns information on every individual EA (BAU) for each simulated population
- epsc
nEAs x nsim matrix of simulated EA (BAU) level iid effects representing fine scale variation in risk. If NULL, they are simulated as iid Gaussian on a logit scale with SD given by sigma.epsilon.draws list(pixelPop=outPixelLevel, subareaPop=outSubareaLevel, areaPop=outAreaLevel, logit.risk.draws=logit.risk.draws)
The simulated population aggregated to the enumeration area, pixel, subarea (generally Admin2), and area (generally Admin1) levels. Output includes:
- pixelPop
A list of pixel level population aggregates
- subareaPop
A list of
level population aggregates- areaPop
A list of
level population aggregates
Each of these contains population numerator and denominator as well as prevalence and risk information aggregated to the appropriate level.
For population simulation and aggregation, we consider three models: smooth
risk, fine scale risk, and the fine scale prevalence. All will be described in detail
in a paper in preparation. In the smooth risk model, pixel level risks are integrated
with respect to target population density when producing areal estimates on a prespecified
set of integration points. The target population may be, for example, neonatals rather
than the general population. In the fine scale models, enumeration areas (EAs) are simulated as
point locations and iid random effects in the EA level risk are allowed. EAs and populations are dispersed conditional on the (possibly
approximately) known number of EAs, households, and target population at a particular
areal level (these we call areas
) using multilevel multinomial sampling, first
sampling the EAs, then distributing households among the EAs, then the target population
among the households. Any areal level below the areas
we call subareas
. For instance,
the areas
might be Admin-1 if that is the smallest level at which the number of EAs,
households, and people is known, and the subareas
might be Admin-2. The multilevel
multinomial sampling may be stratified by urban/rural within the areas if the number of
EAs, households, and people is also approximately known at that level.
Within each EA we assume a fixed probability of an event occurring, which is the fine scale risk
The fine scale prevalence
is the empirical proportion of events within that EA. We assume EA
level logit scale iid N(0, sigma.epsilon^2) random effects in the risk model. When averaged
with equal weights over all EAs in an areal unit, this forms the fine scale risk. When
instead the population numerators and denominators are aggregated, and are used to
calculate the empirical proportion of events occurring in an areal unit, the resulting
quantity is the fine scale prevalence in that areal unit.
Note that these functions can be used for either simulating populations for simulation studies, or for generating predictions accounting for uncertainty in EA locations and fine scale variation occurring at the EA level due to EA level iid random effects. Required, however, is a separately fit EA level spatial risk model and information on the spatial population density and the population frame.
: Simulate populations and population prevalences given census frame and population density information. Uses SPDE model for generating spatial risk and can include iid cluster level effect.simPopCustom()
: Simulate populations and population prevalences given census frame and population density information. Uses custom spatial logit risk function and can include iid cluster level effect.
Paige, John, Geir-Arne Fuglstad, Andrea Riebler, and Jon Wakefield. "Spatial aggregation with respect to a population distribution: Impact on inference." Spatial Statistics 52 (2022): 100714.
See also
, makePopIntegrationTab
, adjustPopMat
, simSPDE
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
## In this script we will create 5km resolution pixellated grid over Kenya,
## and generate tables of estimated (both target and general) population
## totals at the area (e.g. Admin-1) and subarea (e.g. Admin-2) levels. Then
## we will use that to simulate populations of
# download Kenya GADM shapefiles from SUMMERdata github repository
githubURL <- paste0("",
tempDirectory = "~/"
mapsFilename = paste0(tempDirectory, "/kenyaMaps.rda")
if(!file.exists(mapsFilename)) {
# load it in
out = load(mapsFilename)
kenyaMesh <- fmesher::fm_as_fm(kenyaMesh)
adm1@data$NAME_1 = as.character(adm1@data$NAME_1)
adm1@data$NAME_1[adm1@data$NAME_1 == "Trans Nzoia"] = "Trans-Nzoia"
adm1@data$NAME_1[adm1@data$NAME_1 == "Elgeyo-Marakwet"] = "Elgeyo Marakwet"
adm2@data$NAME_1 = as.character(adm2@data$NAME_1)
adm2@data$NAME_1[adm2@data$NAME_1 == "Trans Nzoia"] = "Trans-Nzoia"
adm2@data$NAME_1[adm2@data$NAME_1 == "Elgeyo-Marakwet"] = "Elgeyo Marakwet"
# some Admin-2 areas have the same name
adm2@data$NAME_2 = as.character(adm2@data$NAME_2)
adm2@data$NAME_2[(adm2@data$NAME_1 == "Bungoma") &
(adm2@data$NAME_2 == "Lugari")] = "Lugari, Bungoma"
adm2@data$NAME_2[(adm2@data$NAME_1 == "Kakamega") &
(adm2@data$NAME_2 == "Lugari")] = "Lugari, Kakamega"
adm2@data$NAME_2[(adm2@data$NAME_1 == "Meru") &
(adm2@data$NAME_2 == "Igembe South")] = "Igembe South, Meru"
adm2@data$NAME_2[(adm2@data$NAME_1 == "Tharaka-Nithi") &
(adm2@data$NAME_2 == "Igembe South")] = "Igembe South, Tharaka-Nithi"
# The spatial area of unknown 8 is so small, it causes problems unless its removed or
# unioned with another subarea. Union it with neighboring Kakeguria:
newadm2 = adm2
unknown8I = which(newadm2$NAME_2 == "unknown 8")
newadm2$NAME_2[newadm2$NAME_2 %in% c("unknown 8", "Kapenguria")] <-
"Kapenguria + unknown 8"
admin2.IDs <- newadm2$NAME_2
newadm2@data = cbind(newadm2@data, NAME_2OLD = newadm2@data$NAME_2)
newadm2@data$NAME_2OLD = newadm2@data$NAME_2
newadm2@data$NAME_2 = admin2.IDs
newadm2$NAME_2 = admin2.IDs
temp <- terra::aggregate(as(newadm2, "SpatVector"), by="NAME_2")
temp <- sf::st_as_sf(temp)
temp <- sf::as_Spatial(temp)
tempData = newadm2@data[-unknown8I,]
tempData = tempData[order(tempData$NAME_2),]
newadm2 <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(temp, tempData, match.ID = F)
adm2 = newadm2
# download 2014 Kenya population density TIF file
githubURL <- paste0("",
popTIFFilename = paste0(tempDirectory, "/worldpop_total_1y_2014_00_00.tif")
if(!file.exists(popTIFFilename)) {
# load it in
pop = terra::rast(popTIFFilename)
east.lim = c(-110.6405, 832.4544)
north.lim = c(-555.1739, 608.7130)
## Construct poppsubKenya, a table of urban/rural general population totals
## in each subarea. Technically, this is not necessary since we can load in
## poppsubKenya via data(kenyaPopulationData). First, we will need to calculate
## the areas in km^2 of the areas and subareas
# use Lambert equal area projection of areas (Admin-1) and subareas (Admin-2)
midLon = mean(adm1@bbox[1,])
midLat = mean(adm1@bbox[2,])
p4s = paste0("+proj=laea +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +lon_0=", midLon,
" +lat_0=", midLat, " +units=km")
adm1_sf = st_as_sf(adm1)
adm1proj_sf = st_transform(adm1_sf, p4s)
adm1proj = as(adm1proj_sf, "Spatial")
adm2_sf = st_as_sf(adm2)
adm2proj_sf = st_transform(adm2_sf, p4s)
adm2proj = as(adm2proj_sf, "Spatial")
# now calculate spatial area in km^2
admin1Areas = as.numeric(st_area(adm1proj_sf))
admin2Areas = as.numeric(st_area(adm2proj_sf))
areapaKenya = data.frame(area=adm1proj@data$NAME_1, spatialArea=admin1Areas)
areapsubKenya = data.frame(area=adm2proj@data$NAME_1, subarea=adm2proj@data$NAME_2,
# Calculate general population totals at the subarea (Admin-2) x urban/rural
# level and using 1km resolution population grid. Assign urbanicity by
# thresholding population density based on estimated proportion population
# urban/rural, making sure total area (Admin-1) urban/rural populations in
# each area matches poppaKenya.
# NOTE: the following function will typically take ~15-20 minutes. Can speed up
# by setting km.res to be higher, but we recommend fine resolution for
# this step, since it only needs to be done once. Instead of running
# the code in the following if(FALSE) section,
# you can simply run data(kenyaPopulationData)
system.time(poppsubKenya <- getPoppsub(
km.res=1, pop=pop,,
east.lim=east.lim, north.lim=north.lim, map.projection=projKenya,
poppa = poppaKenya, areapa=areapaKenya, areapsub=areapsubKenya,,,
areaNameVar = "NAME_1", subareaNameVar="NAME_2"))
# Now generate a general population integration table at 5km resolution,
# based on subarea (Admin-2) x urban/rural population totals. This takes
# ~1 minute
pop.matKenya <- makePopIntegrationTab(
km.res=5, pop=pop,,
east.lim=east.lim, north.lim=north.lim, map.projection=projKenya,
poppa = poppaKenya, poppsub=poppsubKenya, = adm1, = adm2,
areaNameVar = "NAME_1", subareaNameVar="NAME_2")
## Adjust pop.mat to be target (neonatal) rather than general population
## density. First create the target population frame
## (these numbers are based on IPUMS microcensus data)
mothersPerHouseholdUrb = 0.3497151
childrenPerMotherUrb = 1.295917
mothersPerHouseholdRur = 0.4787696
childrenPerMotherRur = 1.455222
targetPopPerStratumUrban = easpaKenya$HHUrb * mothersPerHouseholdUrb *
targetPopPerStratumRural = easpaKenya$HHRur * mothersPerHouseholdRur *
easpaKenyaNeonatal = easpaKenya
easpaKenyaNeonatal$popUrb = targetPopPerStratumUrban
easpaKenyaNeonatal$popRur = targetPopPerStratumRural
easpaKenyaNeonatal$popTotal = easpaKenyaNeonatal$popUrb +
easpaKenyaNeonatal$pctUrb = 100 * easpaKenyaNeonatal$popUrb /
easpaKenyaNeonatal$pctTotal =
100 * easpaKenyaNeonatal$popTotal / sum(easpaKenyaNeonatal$popTotal)
# Generate the target population density by scaling the current
# population density grid at the Admin1 x urban/rural level
pop.matKenyaNeonatal = adjustPopMat(pop.matKenya, easpaKenyaNeonatal)
# Generate neonatal population table from the neonatal population integration
# matrix. This is technically not necessary for population simulation purposes,
# but is here for illustrative purposes
poppsubKenyaNeonatal = poppRegionFromPopMat(pop.matKenyaNeonatal,
poppsubKenyaNeonatal =
area=adm2@data$NAME_1[match(poppsubKenyaNeonatal$region, adm2@data$NAME_2)],
## Now we're ready to simulate neonatal populations along with neonatal
## mortality risks and prevalences
# use the following model to simulate the neonatal population based roughly
# on Paige et al. (2020) neonatal mortality modeling for Kenya.
beta0=-2.9 # intercept
gamma=-1 # urban effect
rho=(1/3)^2 # spatial variance
eff.range = 400 # effective spatial range in km
sigma.epsilon=sqrt(1/2.5) # cluster (nugget) effect standard deviation
# Run a simulation! This produces multiple dense nEA x nsim and nPixel x nsim
# matrices. In the future sparse matrices and chunk by chunk computations
# may be incorporated.
simPop = simPopSPDE(nsim=1, easpa=easpaKenyaNeonatal,
pop.mat=pop.matKenya, target.pop.mat=pop.matKenyaNeonatal,
poppsub=poppsubKenya, spde.mesh=kenyaMesh,
marg.var=rho, sigma.epsilon=sigma.epsilon,
gamma=gamma, eff.range=eff.range, beta0=beta0,
seed=12, inla.seed=12, n.HH.sampled=25,, subarea.level=TRUE,
do.fine.scale.risk=TRUE, do.smooth.risk=TRUE,
# get average absolute percent error relative to fine scale prevalence at Admin-2 level
tempDat = simPop$subareaPop$aggregationResults[c("region", "pFineScalePrevalence",
"pFineScaleRisk", "pSmoothRisk")]
100*mean(abs(tempDat$pFineScalePrevalence - tempDat$pFineScaleRisk) /
100*mean(abs(tempDat$pFineScalePrevalence - tempDat$pSmoothRisk) /
100*mean(abs(tempDat$pFineScaleRisk - tempDat$pSmoothRisk) /
# verify number of EAs per area and subarea
cbind(aggregate(simPop$eaPop$ea.samples[,1], by=list(area=pop.matKenya$area), FUN=sum),
aggregate(simPop$eaPop$ea.samples[,1], by=list(area=pop.matKenya$subarea), FUN=sum)
## plot simulated population
# directory for plotting
# (mapPlot takes longer when it doesn't save to a file)
tempDirectory = "~/"
# pixel level plots. Some pixels have no simulated EAs, in which case they will be
# plotted as white. Expected noisy looking plots of fine scale risk and prevalence
# due to EAs being discrete, as compared to a very smooth plot of smooth risk.
zlim = c(0, quantile(probs=.995, c(simPop$pixelPop$pFineScalePrevalence,
simPop$pixelPop$pSmoothRisk), na.rm=TRUE))
plot(adm2, asp=1)
points(simPop$eaPop$eaDatList[[1]]$lon, simPop$eaPop$eaDatList[[1]]$lat, pch=".", col="blue")
plot(adm2, asp=1)
fields::quilt.plot(pop.matKenya$lon, pop.matKenya$lat, simPop$pixelPop$pFineScalePrevalence,
zlim=zlim, add=TRUE, FUN=function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)})
plot(adm2, asp=1)
fields::quilt.plot(pop.matKenya$lon, pop.matKenya$lat, simPop$pixelPop$pFineScaleRisk,
zlim=zlim, add=TRUE, FUN=function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)})
fields::quilt.plot(pop.matKenya$lon, pop.matKenya$lat, simPop$pixelPop$pSmoothRisk,
zlim=zlim, FUN=function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)}, asp=1)
plot(adm2, add=TRUE)
# areal (Admin-1) level: these results should look essentially identical
tempDat = simPop$areaPop$aggregationResults[c("region", "pFineScalePrevalence",
"pFineScaleRisk", "pSmoothRisk")]
variables=c("pFineScalePrevalence", "pFineScaleRisk", "pSmoothRisk"),
geo=adm1, by.geo="NAME_1","region", is.long=FALSE)
# subareal (Admin-2) level: these results should look subtley different
# depending on the type of prevalence/risk considered
tempDat = simPop$subareaPop$aggregationResults[c("region", "pFineScalePrevalence",
"pFineScaleRisk", "pSmoothRisk")]
variables=c("pFineScalePrevalence", "pFineScaleRisk", "pSmoothRisk"),
geo=adm2, by.geo="NAME_2","region", is.long=FALSE)
} # }